LoRaWAN®: Delivering LPWAN and Building Massive IoT


At this webinar, Alper Yegin, Vice-Chair of LoRa Alliance & Director of Advanced Technology Development in Actility, covered the driving use cases of LoRaWAN®, its technical features, the current implementation and deployments across the globe of this technology, its evolution and near-future developments, the LoRa Alliance, and this field’s competitive landscape.

About the speakers:

Picture of Alper Yegin

Alper Yegin, 

Vice-Chair of LoRa Alliance, Director of Advanced Technology Development in Actility

Alper Yegin is a technology architect involved in research, design, and standardization of IoT and mobile technologies. He is currently serving as the Sr. Director of Standards and Advanced Technology Development at Actility, the leading system vendor in the IoT LPWAN field, and Vice Chairman of BoD and Chairman of the Technical Committee at the LoRa Alliance. Prior to his current post, he has worked for Samsung Electronics Research Center where he led the 5G IP mobility, 4G WiMAX security, and ETSI M2M security design projects. He has made essential contributions to the design and standardization of networking technologies including Mobile IP, IPv6, Zigbee IP, and PANA during his tenure at Samsung, DoCoMo USA Labs, and Sun Microsystems. He has been actively involved in international standards organizations such as IETF, 3GPP, ETSI, LoRa Alliance, Zigbee Alliance, and WiMAX Forum at contributor and committee chair capacities. He is a past member of IETF Wireless and IPv6 Forum Technical Directorates, author of numerous telecom-related standards and papers with 16 granted and several pending patents.

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What is LoRa and LoRaWAN white paper techniical overview, benfits and use cases

Learn more about the LoRaWAN technology by downloading the Actility “What is LoRaWAN” white paper