Thingpark Energy

Connect, monitor and manage electrical devices in real-time to leverage Demand Response

ThingPark Energy enables demand response for Industries and Tertiary

Industries and Tertiary energy consumers are key participants in Demand Response and Grid Balancing. By connecting electrical devices, Actility allows them to monetize their process flexibility via demand-side management, reducing their energy costs and environmental footprint. Thanks to Actility’s solutions, operational impact is limited and Industries and Tertiary energy consumers can benefit from our in-depth energy market expertise.
Actility is empowering utilities by proposing a Business Accelerator Program, focused training that allows utilities to get autonomy to operate various DR services to integrate the offering of demand side services successfully into the utility’s company strategy.

Product features

Green euro icon

Increase energy process cost effectiveness

Green positive curve icon

Enable automatic real-time control / balancing

Green battery icon

Capture value from Distributed Energy Resources flexibility and storage

Green hand-shaking icon

Business Accelerator program

Taking into account each unit’s individual technical constraints on site and reviewing data from several energy market platforms, ThingPark Energy calculates and schedules an optimal consumption profile, which minimizes the site’s total electricity bill, reducing operational costs

Using low-level latency connections for continuous operation and highly responsive software, Actility is able to control load and generation in real-time to deliver advanced DR services with processes’ flexibility or optimize the cost effectiveness of industrial sites

Benefiting from its M2M expertise, Actility is able to collect data from thousands of assets and aggregate their available flexibility thanks to its powerful Aggregation Server (DAAS)

Actility is empowering utilities by proposing a Business Accelerator Program, a focused training that allows utilities to get autonomy to operate various DR services and target the most valuable sectors

Screen with Energy dashboard

Actility Energy leverges ThingPark Wireless IoT management platform to deliver end-to-end solutions

Energy infographics

Discover the Actility Energy Use cases




Discover how Actility Energy customers are generating value using our products

Veolia wastewater treatment
Veolia water success story thumbnail
VPK monetize flexibility
VPK success story thumbnail
residential demand response
Habitat Toulouse success story thumbnail

Discover more about the Actility energy solution

Flexible capacity management

Actility Energy activities

What is LoRa and LoRaWAN white paper techniical overview, benfits and use cases

Learn more about the LoRaWAN technology by downloading the Actility “What is LoRaWAN” white paper