Tag: Industry 4.0

Picture for Integration and Collaboration for Massive IoT

Integration and Collaboration for Massive IoT

As anyone who has been involved with our industry knows by now, one of the biggest challenges of IoT is the end-to-end integration. Having to integrate numerous architectural components, mostly coming from different vendors, whether complying with a standard or not (when there is one!) is a time and resource consuming activity. If you are wondering what happened to the billions and billions of devices that you were promised 3 years ago, some part of the answer is behind this challenge

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Image for LoRa whitepaper

WiFi & LoRaWAN combination to achieve greatness: explained by the latest LoRa Alliance white paper

During the past month of November, the LoRa Alliance brought out a new White Paper on Wi-Fi & LoRaWAN® Trials, summing up use cases across regions which combine these two technologies, to shed light on the great amount of disruptive use cases both Wi-Fi and LoRaWAN® connectivity have allowed to develop during the past years, giving new ideas to existing market players who have deployed these technologies, and also to inspire Network Operators, Enterprises or Communities, who have deployed either Wi-Fi or LoRaWAN® networks, to consider extending their offerings by deploying other complementary technology.

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What is LoRa and LoRaWAN white paper techniical overview, benfits and use cases

Learn more about the LoRaWAN technology by downloading the Actility “What is LoRaWAN” white paper