Professional Gender Equality Index

For the fifth consecutive year, Actility has published the Professional Gender Equality Index between women and men, focusing on the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.
The Index is structured around 5 indicators calculated out of a total of 100 points, aiming to measure various aspects of professional equality.

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Veolia and Birdz Deploy Millions of Smart Water Meters in France

Veolia Water the world’s largest supplier of water services, sets a benchmark for all aspects of the water cycle in France, working on behalf of local authorities and industrial companies. Through its subsidiary, Birdz, Veolia is bringing its services to the new digital age. Over 3 million smart water meters have been deployed in France, offering accurate billing, leak detection, and customer empowerment.

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Actility Highlights from LoRaWAN World Expo 2022

The event has gathered over 1,400 people from all over the globe, uniting enterprises, device makers, system integrators, distributors, developers, solution providers, educational institutions, IoT alliances, influencers, and many more, making this event the largest global LoRaWAN event ever.

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Revima Adopts LoRaWAN-based IoT Water Metering

REVIMA Group, a leading French aeronautics MRO (Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul) solutions provider for civil and military aircraft, has deployed IoT solutions to monitor water consumption, using sensors that read its water meters, and to monitor the temperature & hygrometry on its site.

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Image for Swisspost blog post

Swiss Post Transforms its Services with IoT and LoRaWAN®

SwissPost digitally transforms Switzerland’s postal services through LoRaWAN® technology, by rolling out over 100,000 SmartButtons, allowing an on-demand delivery service in villages throughout the whole country. To connect them all, SwissPost is using the Swisscom’s nationwide LoRaWAN network, deployed and operated on Actility’s ThingPark platform since 2015.

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Image for Air quality Blog

Indoor Air Quality – why does it matter and how to measure it with IoT?

In the last few years, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has received increasing attention from environmental governance authorities and IAQ-related standards are getting stricter. People spend about 90% of their time in indoor environments, and IAQ has been proven to have a significant impact on health and quality of life in general. Poor indoor air quality is known to be harmful to vulnerable groups such as the elderly, children or those suffering chronic respiratory and/or cardiovascular diseases.

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Image for McCool controls blog

LoRaWAN-connected Asset Tracking Solutions Now Available in Ireland and the UK

If you need to improve the management of your various mobile assets, to ensure the safety of your employees while operating an industrial facility, a construction site, a building or a hospital – we invite you to check out the solutions offered by McCool Controls & Engineering, a leading system integrator in Ireland, an Actility & Abeeway Partner joinlty working with us to spread smart IoT solutions for different industries and verticals such as Construction, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals and Smart Buildings.

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McCool is Making Buildings Safe & Comfortable in Ireland with LoRaWAN®

McCool Controls, an innovative master systems integrator, specialising in Smart Buildings, Real-Time Locating Systems and Building Management Systems and one of Actility Channel Partners, has recently commenced a pioneering Smart Building project for a confidential client in Ireland. This project aims to reduce the client’s Real Estate ecological footprint by 40%, whilst maintaining an even growing staff numbers for a successful enterprise, reflecting the changed flexible work practices of the company.

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Picture for Integration and Collaboration for Massive IoT

Integration and Collaboration for Massive IoT

As anyone who has been involved with our industry knows by now, one of the biggest challenges of IoT is the end-to-end integration. Having to integrate numerous architectural components, mostly coming from different vendors, whether complying with a standard or not (when there is one!) is a time and resource consuming activity. If you are wondering what happened to the billions and billions of devices that you were promised 3 years ago, some part of the answer is behind this challenge

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Image for LoRa whitepaper

WiFi & LoRaWAN combination to achieve greatness: explained by the latest LoRa Alliance white paper

During the past month of November, the LoRa Alliance brought out a new White Paper on Wi-Fi & LoRaWAN® Trials, summing up use cases across regions which combine these two technologies, to shed light on the great amount of disruptive use cases both Wi-Fi and LoRaWAN® connectivity have allowed to develop during the past years, giving new ideas to existing market players who have deployed these technologies, and also to inspire Network Operators, Enterprises or Communities, who have deployed either Wi-Fi or LoRaWAN® networks, to consider extending their offerings by deploying other complementary technology.

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Picture of Macnica's events Press release

Don’t miss our Japanese partner, Macnica’s events

If you are interested in LoRaWAN and IoT solutions and also you speak Japanes, don’t miss these great virtual and physical events where our Japanese Channel Partner Macnica will be presenting their solutions for smart cities, smart buildings and smart industry, powered by Actility.

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Actility on BFM TV image

Actility on BFM

The past 13th of November, our CEO, Olivier Hersent, gave an interview on BFM, the first continuous economic and financial information television channel in France, where he talked about Actility’sexponential rise and future prospects.

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Covid-19: how the Internet of Things can save People

Covid-19: how the IoT can save people. Solutions from WMW, Abeeway and Actility Press Release, Hasselt / Paris, 07.04.2020  WMW, a Belgian “framework” for IoT, Abeeway, a location intelligence solution provider for IoT, and Actility, the leading provider of Low-Power WAN networking solutions, are launching several solutions to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic at different stages, using various geolocation

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Sharing economy meets home networks

The recent Amazon Sidewalk announcement has implications far beyond a new sexy feature on a smart speaker, it represents a fundamental paradigm evolution of home networks and a key enabler for smart-communities. Interestingly, it is likely to impact not just the richest economies: in fact the paradigm change is even more fundamental for countries with low per-capita income implying low budgets for any kind of smart-home/community initiative.

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Actility Energy speech

Adrien Doré launches BPI France Energy conference

The Actility Blog Adrien Doré launches BPI France Energy conference Adrien Doré, France Manager at Actility Energy, was pleased to introduce the 20th TOTEM event organized by the Hub BPI France and the French Electricity Union (UFE) with an opening speech on « The Digital: game changer of the energy

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Connected reindeer pave the way for improved herders’ lives

Connected reindeer pave the way for improved herders’ lives This IoT application is about using technology to help keep our traditions going in years to come. Matti Särkelä, Head of Office 36% of Finlandreindeer husbandry area 250,000animals herded each year 10%of the herds go missing End customer The Reindeer Herders’

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BeitMisk, Lebanon Paves the Way to Smart Cities In the Middle-East

BeitMisk, Lebanon Paves the Way to Smart Cities In the Middle-East Turning a city smart is a journey Marc Nader, Chief Operating Officer, Data Consult 655,000 meters²People benefit from the Group’s waste collection services 6-900 metersaltitude of village 1,800 unitsof apartments, villas and townhouses CUSTOMER CHALLENGE Introducing Lebanon’s New IoT

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VPK monetizes energy flexibility thanks to Demand Response services

VPK monetizes energy flexibility thanks to Demand Response services ​Since 2019, Actility Energy has become Flexcity, part of the Veolia group. Through a transparent partnership with Actility, VPK Paper can further improve the economical efficiency of the investment in its gas turbine Johan Dhaese, Group Energy & Environment Manager 1935packaging

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Orange uses ThingPark Energy to monetize its back-up batteries

Orange uses ThingPark Energy to monetize its back-up batteries ​Since 2019, Actility Energy has become Flexcity, part of the Veolia group. We are very proud of this smart grid world premiere that contributes to the French electricity grid’s stability while creating immediate and substantial ROI Hervé Mallet, Energy Director, Technical

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LoRaWAN-Connected BoatSecure — A Sailor’s Delight

LoRaWAN-Connected BoatSecure — A Sailor’s Delight Powered by IoT Ventures’ new device and software and Actility as network connection manager, boat-owners can rest easy Boat owners love playing on their boats and buying new kits. BoatSecure solves a real problem and gives peace of mind that their boat is ready

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Slovenian Smart Factory manages Electricity Consumption with LoRaWAN

Slovenian Smart Factory manages Electricity Consumption with LoRaWAN Salonit Anhovo leverages Actility’s partner Solvera Lynx’s energy monitoring sensors and management system The good thing is that we now have a good picture of energy consumption which is shared throughout the organization. We plan to reduce our energy consumption in the

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What is LoRa and LoRaWAN white paper techniical overview, benfits and use cases

Learn more about the LoRaWAN technology by downloading the Actility “What is LoRaWAN” white paper