
At Actility we consider our ThingPark Enterprise Distribution Channels our most important partners. This is why we would like to invite you to our ThingPark Enterprise Distribution Channels Webinar, which will be taking place in two sessions on the 15th of October at 10.00 am Paris time (16.00 pm Singapore time), for those joining us from Asia, Pacific and Europe and at 11.30 am New York time (17.30 pm Paris time), for those joining us from America.


We will guide you through our cutting-edge solutions and share best practice tips. Join us to:

  • Discover the next exciting features and services you could offer to your customers.
  • Learn how to quickly gain access in an autonomous way to Actility collaterals.
  • Keep updated with Actility’s Solution Selling Processes.
  • Get to know Partner’s use cases deployed with ThingPark.


  • Introduction
  • The ThingPark Enterprise Product – What’s new?
  • Introduction of the Channel Portal
  • The solution process (and questionnaire)
  • Leveraging ThingPark and LoRaWAN – A partner success story
  • Summary and Q&A

About the speakers:

Shmuel Solomon, Channel Sales Manager, Enterprise Products

Image of Shmuel Solomon
Photo of Aymeric Rambaud

Aymeric Rambaud, VP Product at Actility

Ramez Soss, Product Owner, Product Management at Actility

Picture of Ramez Soss

Copyright © 2020 Actility, SA.

What is LoRa and LoRaWAN white paper techniical overview, benfits and use cases

Learn more about the LoRaWAN technology by downloading the Actility “What is LoRaWAN” white paper