AWS Greengrass Connector
for ThingPark

Building reliable Industrial IoT solutions sometimes require a local infrastructure.

Many companies cannot afford to build their Industrial IoT solutions in the cloud. Whether their industrial facilities have poor cloud connectivity, strict security policies, or they simply need to connect with a local application such as a SCADA system, cloud-based infrastructure would not provide the proper level of performance and reliability they need.

If the local infrastructure has long been incompatible with the benefits of cloud-based infrastructure, edge computing has been a game-changer.

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Reap the benefit of the cloud locally with AWS IoT Greengrass and ThingPark Enterprise

Combining ThingPark Enterprise OCP together with AWS IoT Greengrass provides enterprises with a dependable local infrastructure to implement their Industrial IoT use cases. With this solution, sensors’ data can be aggregated and processed locally, and either synchronized to the cloud or delivered to the local application.

  • AWS IoT Greengrass extends AWS services onto local devices so that they can act locally on the data ingested, while still taking advantage of the cloud.
  • ThingPark Enterprise OCP powers highly available LoRaWAN(TM) private networks to ensure efficient sensors’ data aggregation, and smoothly connects to the local AWS Greengrass Core Instance using its *Greengrass Connector.*
Greengrass AWS Infographics

Executed Locally – Managed globally

Combining Greengrass with ThingPark Enterprise OCP, you don’t have to send your data to a distant cloud which saves you time in cases when milliseconds matter. Data is collected, processed, and routed locally to ensure compliance with the strictest security policies. Although the solution runs locally, Greengrass Core instances are managed from the cloud, ensuring a consistent deployment and maintenance of AWS workloads across multiple facilities, as well as a global application of the company security policies.

No cloud-dependency

AWS Greengrass ensures service continuity with spotty or no cloud connectivity. You may continue to perform local logic and actions based on LoRaWAN sensor input, even during loss of cloud connectivity, and buffer data until the Internet connection is restored. This complements a similar local buffering feature in LoRaWAN infrastructure gateways provided by ThingPark Enterprise and ensures that all critical sensor data is recovered after infrastructure or local connectivity outages.

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A dependable infrastructure

Mission-critical applications require a fully redundant system, end to end. At the radio level, this can be provided by leveraging macro-diversity, ensuring that 2 or more gateways provide connectivity to each sensor. ThingPark Enterprise Network Server can also be deployed in HA mode with or without geo-redundancy, and the same applies to your Greengrass server.  

Optimal cloud service consumption

Not all data is worth being sent to the cloud, especially when using high-cost or bandwidth-limited backhaul connections. AWS Greengrass embeds local Lambda compute, local messaging, and machine learning inference capabilities to allow data aggregation, transformation, or filtering according to your needs. Such data processing is made simple with ThingPark Enterprise support for device CoDecs, making data available in JSON format to the Greengrass Core instance.

Interested in the solution?

  • Contact us today to get more information about our solution with AWS. Our team will gladly respond to all your questions! 

Creating an AWS Greengrass connection

Discover our detailed documentation on how to create a  AWS GreenGrass connection in 4 easy steps! Every single detail is explained in our Documentation Portal. 

What is LoRa and LoRaWAN white paper techniical overview, benfits and use cases

Learn more about the LoRaWAN technology by downloading the Actility “What is LoRaWAN” white paper